Coordinated by Deb Laws
Youth Agent, Manistee Co. 4-H
May 2017
On a brisk but enjoyable day in May, about 130 students from several Manistee area schools, came to the Magoon Creek Nature Center to have an out-door, hands-on classroom experience. Several Program Presenters shared their favorite topics about nature with the students. Featured below, Kayla Knoll, Conservation Specialist with Manistee Co. Conservation District, with help from Joyce Durdel, a volunteer with the Little Manistee Watershed Conservation Council, assist the students in learning that macroinvertabrates are unique aquatic insects that find their homes in streams like Magoon Creek. A number of ‘ooos’ and ‘yucks’ could be heard before the students began to find out how intriguing these insects really are. Soon the comments turned into ‘cool’ and ‘wow’ and ‘this really turns into a dragonfly?’.

(Pictures by Joyce Durdel)
Last Updated: January 4, 2020 by lmwcc
Day with Nature at Magoon Creek
Coordinated by Deb Laws
Youth Agent, Manistee Co. 4-H
May 2017
On a brisk but enjoyable day in May, about 130 students from several Manistee area schools, came to the Magoon Creek Nature Center to have an out-door, hands-on classroom experience. Several Program Presenters shared their favorite topics about nature with the students. Featured below, Kayla Knoll, Conservation Specialist with Manistee Co. Conservation District, with help from Joyce Durdel, a volunteer with the Little Manistee Watershed Conservation Council, assist the students in learning that macroinvertabrates are unique aquatic insects that find their homes in streams like Magoon Creek. A number of ‘ooos’ and ‘yucks’ could be heard before the students began to find out how intriguing these insects really are. Soon the comments turned into ‘cool’ and ‘wow’ and ‘this really turns into a dragonfly?’.
(Pictures by Joyce Durdel)
Category: News, Recent Articles, Volunteer