Membership Dues

Membership Dues

We accept membership dues and donations to LMWCC securely online through PayPal. Please click the “Donate” button below and choose a contribution for membership level, or simply give a donation.

Yes! I will help protect the River for another year!

$100 – Protector of the River or Corporate
$50 – Friend of the River
$35 – Member

Accepted in any amount. See our Donate page for more information.

Not a fan of online payments? No problem.
You may also mail a check to LMWCC to renew your membership

1. Print and fill out this Membership Form and mail the check to the address below.

2. Mail the check and completed form to:
P.O. Box 52
Irons, MI 49644

Contributions are tax-exempt. LMWCC is a 501(c)(3) organization